Wow your audience: Your Guide to Jumbotron Selection

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BROC LED digital Jumbotron installed
February 14, 2024

Looking for the perfect Jumbotron for your event center or arena? Our guide helps you choose the RIGHT display for maximum impact!


In the world of sports and entertainment, creating an unforgettable experience for spectators is crucial. One technology that has revolutionized the way fans engage with events is the Jumbotron. This giant video display has become a staple in event centers, offering a captivating visual experience and a multitude of opportunities for advertising and fan engagement. However, choosing the right Jumbotron for your event center can be a daunting task. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore all the important factors to consider when selecting the perfect Jumbotron for your college or school event center. From cost considerations to technical specifications and installation requirements, we’ve got you covered.

Understanding the Benefits of a Jumbotron

A Jumbotron is a giant screen typically used in large venues like stadiums and arenas. It offers several benefits that can enhance the overall experience for both spectators and event organizers. Here are some key advantages of incorporating a Jumbotron in your event center:

Engaging Visual Experience

A Jumbotron provides a larger-than-life visual experience that captures the attention of the audience. The high-resolution display ensures that every detail is crisp and clear, allowing spectators to fully immerse themselves in the event.

Enhanced Fan Engagementto immerse themselves in the event fullyaudience’s attention

With a Jumbotron, you can engage the crowd like never before. Display live game footage, player profiles, instant replays, and interactive content to keep the audience entertained and connected to the event.

Advertising and Sponsorship Opportunities

A Jumbotron offers a prime space for advertising and sponsorship revenue. You can display ads, sponsor logos, and promotional content to generate additional revenue streams for your event center.

Versatility and Customization

Jumbotrons are highly versatile and customizable. You can tailor the content displayed on the screen to match the specific needs of your event. From graphics and animations to live feeds and social media integration, the possibilities are endless.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Jumbotron

Selecting the right Jumbotron for your event center requires careful consideration of several factors. Here are the key elements to keep in mind during the decision-making process:

Size and Resolution

The size and resolution of the Jumbotron are crucial factors to consider. The larger the screen, the more impact it will have on the audience. Additionally, a higher resolution ensures that the content displayed is sharp and vibrant.

Viewing Distance

Consider the viewing distance between the Jumbotron and the audience. Ensure that the screen size and resolution are suitable for the viewing distance in your event center. A larger venue may require a larger screen to ensure optimal visibility for all spectators.

Installation and Maintenance

Evaluate the installation and maintenance requirements of the Jumbotron. Consider factors such as structural modifications, wiring, and ongoing maintenance to ensure a seamless installation process and long-term functionality.

Budget and Cost

Determine your budget for the Jumbotron and consider the associated costs. The price of a Jumbotron can vary greatly depending on factors such as size, resolution, and additional features. It’s essential to find a balance between your budget and the desired specifications.

Compatibility with Existing Systems

Consider the compatibility of the Jumbotron with your existing event center systems. Ensure that it can integrate seamlessly with your scoring software, audiovisual equipment, and other technologies to create a cohesive event experience.

Types of Jumbotrons

There are different types of Jumbotrons available in the market, each with its own unique features and advantages. Here are the most common types of Jumbotrons:

LED Jumbotron

LED Jumbotrons are the most popular choice for event centers. They offer high brightness, energy efficiency, and flexibility. LED displays can be customized to fit any size or shape, making them ideal for event centers with specific design requirements.

LCD Jumbotron

LCD Jumbotrons use liquid crystal display technology to produce vibrant and detailed images. They are known for their high resolution and color accuracy. LCD displays are a reliable choice for indoor event centers where brightness is not a primary concern.

Projection Jumbotron

Projection Jumbotrons use projectors to display images onto a large screen. They offer flexibility in terms of screen size and shape. However, projection Jumbotrons may require more maintenance and calibration to ensure optimal image quality.

Cost Considerations

The cost of a Jumbotron can vary based on several factors. Here are the key cost considerations to keep in mind:

Purchase Price

The purchase price of a Jumbotron depends on factors such as size, resolution, and additional features. Larger screens with higher resolutions will generally have a higher price tag. It’s essential to find a balance between your budget and the desired specifications.

Installation and Maintenance Costs

Consider the installation and maintenance costs associated with the Jumbotron. This includes factors such as structural modifications, wiring, and ongoing maintenance. It’s important to factor in these costs to ensure a smooth installation process and long-term functionality.

Energy Consumption

Take into account the energy consumption of the Jumbotron. LED displays are known for their energy efficiency, which can result in long-term cost savings. Consider the energy consumption of different types of Jumbotrons and choose the one that aligns with your budget and sustainability goals.

Installation and Maintenance

Proper installation and maintenance are crucial for the optimal performance of your Jumbotron. Here are some key considerations:

Structural Modifications

Evaluate the structural requirements for installing the Jumbotron. This may include modifications to support the weight and size of the display. Consult with professionals to ensure that the installation meets safety standards and regulations.

Wiring and Connectivity

Ensure that the necessary wiring and connectivity infrastructure is in place to support the Jumbotron. This includes power supply, data connections, and integration with other event center systems. Proper wiring and connectivity are essential for seamless operation and content management.

Ongoing Maintenance

Develop a maintenance plan to ensure the long-term functionality of the Jumbotron. Regular maintenance, including cleaning, software updates, and repairs, will help extend the lifespan of the display and prevent any technical issues during events.

Selecting a Jumbotron Supplier

Choosing a reputable Jumbotron distributor such as BROC is essential to ensure the quality and reliability of your display. Consider the following factors when selecting a supplier:

Experience and Reputation

Look for a supplier with extensive experience in the industry and a solid reputation for delivering high-quality products and services. Read customer reviews and testimonials to gauge the supplier’s track record.

Customization and Support

Choose a supplier that offers customization options and comprehensive support services. This includes assistance with design, installation, training, and ongoing technical support. A supplier who understands your specific needs and provides tailored solutions will ensure a smooth and successful implementation.

Warranty and After-Sales Support

Evaluate the warranty and after-sales support offered by the supplier. A comprehensive warranty and reliable after-sales support are crucial for addressing any potential issues or maintenance requirements promptly. This minimizes downtime and maximizes the return on investment for your Jumbotron.

Case Studies: Successful Jumbotron Installations

Looking at successful Jumbotron installations can provide valuable insights and inspiration for your own event center. Here are two case studies of notable Jumbotron installations:

SoFi Stadium

SoFi Stadium, located in Inglewood, California, is home to the Los Angeles Rams and Los Angeles Chargers. It features an impressive Jumbotron known as the “Infinity Screen.” The Infinity Screen spans 120 yards and is the first dual-sided, center-hung display in professional sports. This state-of-the-art Jumbotron offers a one-of-a-kind visual experience for spectators.

Allen Eagle Stadium

Allen Eagle Stadium, located in Allen, Texas, is renowned for its Jumbotron known as the “Eagle Vision.” This Jumbotron measures approximately 38 feet wide and 22 feet tall, providing a vibrant display of live game footage, replays, and engaging content for spectators.

The Future of Jumbotrons: Emerging Technologies

The world of Jumbotrons is constantly evolving, with new technologies and innovations on the horizon. Here are some emerging technologies that could shape the future of Jumbotrons:

Augmented Reality (AR)

Augmented Reality has the potential to transform the Jumbotron experience by overlaying digital content onto the real world. Imagine seeing player stats and graphics floating above the field or interactive games projected onto the Jumbotron. AR could take fan engagement to a whole new level.

8K Resolution

As display technology continues to advance, we can expect to see Jumbotrons with even higher resolutions. 8K resolution offers incredibly detailed and lifelike images, providing spectators with an immersive visual experience.

Interactive Features

Future Jumbotrons may incorporate interactive features that allow spectators to actively engage with the content. Touchscreen capabilities, gesture recognition, and personalized experiences could become standard features, enhancing fan participation.


Choosing the perfect Jumbotron for your event center is a critical decision that can greatly enhance the overall experience for both spectators and event organizers. By considering factors such as size, resolution, installation requirements, and ongoing maintenance, you can select a Jumbotron that meets your specific needs and budget. Remember to choose a reputable Jumbotron distributor that offers customization options and comprehensive support services. With the right Jumbotron, you can create an unforgettable visual experience that will captivate your audience and elevate your events to new heights. Invest in the future of your event center and embrace the power of the Jumbotron.



  1. Daktronics
  2. ScoreVision

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